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Join the exclusive Patreon & YouTube Member clubs!As something extra for those who join Patreon or YouTube memberships to support me, I would like to offer you all the chance to get access to exclusive access and content. Get access to videos before everybody else, download scripts and assets I don’t offer on the website, and even get access to JV Game Studios. I offer this all through Patreon.
What Is Patreon?Patreon is a platform which connects creators with fans, connects the fans directly with the creators. For subscribing – or pledging – you’re able to get access to so much more.
Remember: YOU CAN ALWAYS CANCEL OR MODIFY YOUR PLEDGE ON PATREON. Patreon accepts all major Cards as well as PayPal. What Do You Get On Patreon?You can get all of the following:
Why Join?All the tutorials created are done in my spare time, and on top of doing them, I have a full-time job, a family, personal time... and sleep.
I offer all my content, including scripts and assets, for free. It costs you nothing to learn. Anything you pay is 100% optional in the form of Membership or purchasing products directly from itchio– You’ll NEVER have to pay for any Tutorial content. On top of it all, I have to make a living and I have to pay bills, as well as spending my time writing, constructing and creating. Remember, YouTube ads don't pay a whole lot, at least not when you have less than a million subscribers. Thank you for joining! |