//Jimmy Vegas Unity 5 Tutorial //These scripts will countdown to the race and set controls active // Countdown script using UnityEngine.UI; public class Countdown : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject CountDown; public AudioSource GetReady; public AudioSource GoAudio; public GameObject LapTimer; public GameObject CarControls; void Start () { StartCoroutine (CountStart ()); } IEnumerator CountStart () { yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f); CountDown.GetComponent ().text = "3"; GetReady.Play (); CountDown.SetActive (true); yield return new WaitForSeconds (1); CountDown.SetActive (false); CountDown.GetComponent ().text = "2"; GetReady.Play (); CountDown.SetActive (true); yield return new WaitForSeconds (1); CountDown.SetActive (false); CountDown.GetComponent ().text = "1"; GetReady.Play (); CountDown.SetActive (true); yield return new WaitForSeconds (1); CountDown.SetActive (false); GoAudio.Play (); LapTimer.SetActive (true); CarControls.SetActive (true); } } // Car Control script var CarControl : GameObject; function Start () { CarControl.GetComponent("CarController").enabled = true; }